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         Follow our Lord Jesus Christ in water baptism!

If you have repented and turned your heart back to the God of all Creation then you are to obey His Commands and Teachings from this day forward. This obedience begins with water baptism which serves as an initial demonstration (to others) of your repentance toward Him.


The home or neighborhood church is the only example of a church in all the Books of the New Testament. Since there exist none of these true church examples anywhere in what the world calls "christianity" today then you are to begin your own new life as a disciple of Christ. If you are a man you are to begin your own home Church in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ. A pure church out of a pure heart devoid of the world's religious corruptions and protections of government oversight and tax-exemption. This type of Church is the only example that our Lord gives throughout the Books of the New Testament. The corrupt denominational systems of the world have nothing to do with God. These are false "fronts" declaring false gospels and false Christs to deceive the masses and keep them from God's Truth.


​We are experiencing the last days of mankind as we have all known it. False  Churches promoting false "Christs" and false "gospels" are all that is left in this denominational world controlled by Satan. God's Word however, endures forever and is unchanging:


If you have come this far in this website, you have realized that true believers have had to take the matter of their salvation into their own hands and away from the harlotry of Rome and all her organized, commercial denominations.


It should not be a surprise then that baptism will also have to be taken into your own hands if you truly want to follow the Lord the way He said to follow Him.


Share this website with all your relatives and friends. Once some or even one believes, you are to baptize each other as a demonstration of your faith to God (this is a Hebrews Chapter 11 reference).


Baptize each other in any body of water waist deep at least or if that is not available, sit down and do it. It should be done as publicly as possible. Following our Lord Jesus Christ in His own example is a form of proclaiming the Lord unashamedly to the world. It is His method of demonstrating our true, life-changing belief in Him.


Baptism began our Lord's Ministry as it also begins our ministries. Baptism is the first declaration to the world that we have a new life following Him and His Teachings rather than following this old fake world system which was pulled over our eyes. This act declares to the world the new heart and life we now possess through faith in the finished Work of our Lord Jesus Christ. It declares that our life is no longer our own but we are bought with the Price of His Blood and that we will now carry on His WORK (His Great Commission).


Baptism must be with this pure intention in your hearts: that your new trust in Christ is the start of a new life for you and that you sincerely want to follow His Example laid out in Scripture the rest of the days of your life. Any other intention in your heart and mind makes the act of Baptism meaningless to God. God has shown us repeatedly in His Word that He hates empty religion, ritual and box-checking. God is a Spirit and those who truly believe in Him, will believe in Spirit and in truth. Not the outward ritual or letter of the law/religious rules.


Our Lord's Example in Scripture:


Matt 13: 13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.

14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?

15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.

16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water:


Our Lord started His Ministry with His own baptism, fulfilling all righteousness. In other words, being a complete example of what He expects of all those whom follow Him afterward to emulate. As was His entire Ministry.


But notice the distinction between that and what our Lord actually commanded of all whom follow Him afterwards and until His Return:


Matthew 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


Our Lord's three-part Command to us makes no mention of "reproducing" on our part. Only He provides the increase if we follow His three-part Command. We can declare nothing of others, only He can and only with those whom have good ground to hear it in their hearts.


The point I want to make clear in regards to being born again of the Holy Spirit is this: The actual event referred to as "regeneration" or being born again does not occur when a person professes belief in our Lord Jesus Christ. Nor does it occur at one's baptism. The new birth into the family of God through Jesus Christ Scripturally occurs at some point after these two events.


It is the third part of His Command above that is crucial to understanding God's Truth about this all important matter of the soul and eternal life. After you hear His Gospel Message and are baptized in His Three-Part Name and if His Words were believed with "good ground" in the heart then you will at some point hear and understand what it truly means to Follow Him, crucifying your old interests in this fake world system we live in. When this is understood in the heart of people, only then is when the "new birth" has occurred and you will never go back to your old way of thinking and living in your heart. 


Sadly Satan through his mother of harlots has duped the masses of those whom claim "christianity" after receiving an incomplete "gospel" message. This incomplete "gospel" message only contains the first and second part of His commission to us. This one part or two part commission message always leaves out the new birth or third part of our Lord's Teachings. Which will leave you exactly as your were found, with a dead in sins spirit which has not been quickened by the Lord. Oh many become religious after their baptism and receive new laws from their wolves in sheep's clothing "ministers" but few lose their lives in this fake world to follow Him.


Notice that the Spirit of God came down upon our Lord after His baptism.


Now, please correlate what I just said to God's ONLY description of the new birth found anywhere in the Bible.


Then correlate that to the example of our Lord's Own Apostles hand chosen by Him.

The apostles sat under Christ’s direct teachings for over 3 years before they received the Spirit or breath of God from Jesus. Only then were they reborn. Pay attention, the event of their rebirth came long after they believed and were baptized.


Now connect those "dots" to how God has shown us that He searches the "reins and hearts" of all people and only sends His Spirit or Breath upon those whom truly believe. Those whom finally understand what His "Will" is and that is our crucified life in this fake, temporary world. As mentioned above in the John 3:8, His Spirit finds those of a pure heart towards Him and only those are born again of His Spirit. It is not a prayer, nor is it a baptism. Those acts of people merely lead up unto the true conviction of the heart. 


The seeds of God's Good Words sown and watered begins an individuals real "road" to salvation. Please consider the truth of the matter of your eternal life from God: 

In the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 11 He explains what it takes to truly know Him. 


The early believers in our Lord followed His full and three-part example repeatedly throughout the New Testament: True followers of Christ to this day are exactly like those of the first centuries, they left all of this world behind in their hearts; they lost their life (interest) in this fake world system to gain eternal life. That is conversion, that is the regeneration of the Spirit, that is the new birth (being born again). The perversions carried on since Rome's governmental "church" teaches everything but what our Lord Jesus taught about being "born again".


Our Lord taught that our belief is a process of growth away from the things of the world and toward the things of Jesus Christ (eternal). If you are not growing toward Christlikeness continually in your heart, you are a still born. It didn't take people, listen to me. You were not regenerated, you were deceived by a false Christ and "gospel".


Our Lord's final commands to His disciples and all who follow them until His Return was to explain the Good News of the Gospel, instruct them to obey the Lord and follow His example in baptism and then to observe and follow all things whatsoever He commanded.


Listen to me all you who have been deceived by men: Those who believe and teach the first two points and not the third and final part, you will not receive eternal life. You never gave up your pride and worldly ambitions, you never gave up the sword, you never lost your life (your priorities, goals and ambitions) in this world and will not find life everlasting. You have allowed yourselves to be brainwashed by religious traditions of men and not born again by the Holy Spirit. You have believed a false "gospel". A "gospel" message that counted the costs of your belief for you so that you never follow Him. 

You never lost this world in your hearts. That is being born of the Spirit.

You are Christless "christians" and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ then he is none of His. You embody the thorny "believer" of Sower Parable:

And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection.


Your faith is in vain because you were brainwashed away from this third and most vital part of His Commission. You bring no fruit to Perfection or Christ's Image. You don't bring it for yourself or for those whom you teach. You bear no fruit to perfection including your own. For without your heart's desire to follow Christ as He taught then you will never start conforming into His Likeness. This is the end of your faith and eternal salvation.


That is why you are repulsed by Christ's Teachings in the Gospels. Your hearts are still after Adam's image and not Christ's Image. Oh you are religious but you know what I am saying deep down. Your false teachers passed unto to you how to circumvent clear meaning Scripture with elaborate "loopholes" and verse salads plucked from their own contexts to kick against the pricks. 


After our Lord's own apostles were born again they understood finally what our Lord's Purpose was and these apostles then ministered the exact same Message as our Lord. They stayed in every town and city and taught the people all that Jesus taught them. The whole commission. This of course is also the message contained within every Epistle afterward.


The false teachings of men would have you believe that only self-appointed "big shots" in Christ can baptize. This Nicolaitan doctrine placing some men above others is not of God. Many distorted the true meaning of baptism even in the beginning as shown to us in New Testament Scripture. These will refer to the Apostles as only those who baptized believers. If this were the case than how does anyone since then assume this role as an Apostle? There were no Apostles after Paul and their special authority from our Lord Jesus died with them. It is the height of hypocrisy to apply Apostolic empowerment from God to that of a local New Testament pastor.


It is the pride of life that originates these thoughts in men's hearts. God corrected this fleshly attitude with the Corinthians:


I Corinthians 1: 10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.

12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.

13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

14 I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius;

15 Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name.

16 And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.


God through Paul tells us to deny these prideful instincts. It is obvious in this passage that God would have any believer baptize other believers and that the act of baptizing is not to be twisted into sinful pride or religious ritual. This passage also demonstrates that other believers also baptized. Apollos was not numbered among the 12.


And then again at Pentecost, starting in Acts 2:41  Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Common sense indicates that it would be impossible for this handful of Apostles present at the time to physically baptize 3000 people in one day. As the believers were baptized, they in turn baptized each other.


Acts 8: 12 But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.


​​35. Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.

36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?

37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.


Please notice in the example God provides of Philip and the Eunuch that no one else was even present to witness the Eunuch's baptism. It is a demonstration of faith far more between you and the Lord than anyone else. There does not have to be a big crowd. Had there been others present, they would have also believed and been baptized or there would certainly have been mention of them in some way. Once again where two or three are gathered together IN MY NAME, there am I in the midst. (Matthew 18:20)


Baptism is the act of confessing belief in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ before men. The act in itself can also be demonstrated by verbally confessing the Lord to others. Just as the thief on the cross. Most "christians" confuse the meaning and turn baptism into some formal ritual which God hates (this is also the doctrine of the Nicolaitans).


Just before each person is baptized, the one baptizing should state that each is being baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, then dunk each other backwards or forward, pinching the nose, down into the water until covered or immersed and then right back up out of the water in one fluid motion. Understanding that this act of water-immersion baptism is a picture of your belief in Christ's sinless life on earth, His death, His burial and His Resurrection. You are showing those present that your old nature is being buried with Him and that your new nature is being raised to follow Him (His teachings, in His name the rest of the days of your life). You are showing your desire to turn away from ALL that is in the world and it temporary illusion and from now on are only looking to Heaven and Eternity (your real life) as Jesus clearly taught during His Ministry. Which is the Third Part of His Great Commission and when your heart truly understands that, this means you are now BORN AGAIN by the Holy Spirit of God. Quickened by Him and brought to new life following His Teachings until your physical death on earth.


Keep the link below saved in your favorites or bookmarks. Do a word search on baptize, baptized, baptizing and baptism. Notice the examples and how it was done for clues on men and women. You will quickly see that where 2 or 3 are gathered together in His Name, there He is in the midst. So a large number of onlookers is in no way necessary.




God gave us His Gospel in the four Gospels. That is why God calls them the Gospels. The last command from Jesus to all who follow after Him in all nations to all peoples until He Returns is to instruct them in the Gospel (out of the Gospels) to then baptize them and to then what? It was a three part command but all the false gospel teachers stop at the 2nd part and declare themselves "saved". What results is the natural man following the teachings of his preacher and not of Christ. Why, because the preachers don't teach Christ's Teachings as evidence of the new birth. Carefully substituting their new laws, rituals and lists of do's and don't to counterfeit the Spirit of Christ. Gearing their entire Ministry to Christ-less perversions of Christianity. Perversions that Name Jesus but do not follow Jesus as Jesus commanded to be followed.


The third part and most critical part of His final Commands is overlooked by design. Without it there is no new birth. Those truly born again are left here as little versions of Himself to carry on His Mission to show man what man was supposed to be before sin entered in. To redirect men from following fallen Adam's nature to following the Perfect Man's Nature as the new and only desire of their hearts. You have heard of it: To love God with all their being and to love their neighbor as themselves. The flesh will fail but the Spirit of Christ is in their hearts and they will want to be like Him with all their hearts. That and that alone signifies the new birth.


Not in the millennial Reign of our Lord but right now until He Returns, get it? We are to teach them all things whatsoever Jesus said. If it sticks in their hearts and they want to follow His Teachings then the Spirit has passed by them and did regenerate them (John 3:8) if it doesn't stick and they do not even know to accept our Lord's Teachings for themselves then they are born of bad seed, falsely declared "saved" by men and retain Adam's fallen nature in their hearts stopping short of being born again with the Spirit of Christ. 

Because the bad seed they were given gave rise to a tare or a weed and not a true follower of Christ. The end result of this is damnation and not salvation.




















Get in touch: GodBTrue@yahoo.com


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